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The core of the sun comprises of pure hydrogen, and it burns at an unimaginable 27 million degrees fahrenheit and is the source of the sun’s power. Nuclear Fusion occurs in the core—billion upon billion hydrogen atoms are subjected to intense pressure which pushes individual atoms together to create a new element, helium. This complex synthesiis what makes the sun what it is, so you could say that the core of the sun is the true sun. The core is what gives life to all the exterior layers of the sun, which are always in synch and responding to its heart.

One day the core will run out of fuel; it is projected to burn out in about 5 billion years. When the sun dies, nuclear fusion (a force that pushes outwards) will no longer occur in the core, so it will be susceptible to the forces of gravity (A force that pushes inwards). The immense pressure from gravity will cause the sun to shrink into a “white dwarf,” and all the other layers of the sun will dissipate into a planetary nebula of gas and dust. This gas and dust will travel through the galactic skies and become part of the makings of another star.

Human life is mere seconds compared to the lifespan of our sun and the many other stars encompassing our galaxy and the vast universe. With all this time ticking away, I want to make something out of this life; and like the dust and gas that stars leave behind when they die, I too want to leave pieces of myself and of my heart when I am gone—my art and my poetry is what will stay here, hopefully, inspiring and motivating others to see and live their lives creatively and introspectively.

Heart of the Solis is a reminder for me to remember my core, what drives me, and to stay in tune with my passions—no matter where I go or what I do, my art and my poetry will follow.